专家建议农民,务必遵照“预防为主、综合防治”的植保工作方针,采取以农业栽培措施为基础,化学防治为辅的病虫防治策略,有效控制其病虫为害。1 农业栽培措施1.1 实行轮作倒茬 全蚀病或纹枯病发生重的地块尽量采取与棉花、蔬菜、甘薯等非寄主作物
Experts advise farmers that it is imperative to follow the principle of plant protection with “prevention first and comprehensive prevention and control” and take a pest control strategy based on agricultural cultivation measures supplemented by chemical control to effectively control pests and diseases. 1 Agricultural Cultivation Measures 1.1 The implementation of rotation cropping all eclipse or sheath blight heavy land as far as possible with cotton, vegetables, sweet potatoes and other non-host crops