海藻,始载于《神农本草经》,以其显著的软坚散结之功效为历代医家推为瘿瘤、瘰病治疗之要药。山东省胶东半岛沿海诸地,自古即为海藻主产地之一,且以药材道地、质量上乘而闻名遐迩。但近年来,发现沿海有些采集者只求数量,而不顾及质量,致使相当一部分混伪品杂入其中,从而造成了海藻入药品种的混乱。 中国药典(1995年版)一部明确规定,海藻
The seaweed was first introduced in the “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”. With its remarkable function of dispersal, it has been used as a medicine for the treatment of caries and rickets. Shandong Jiaodong Peninsula coastal areas, since ancient times, is one of the main producing seaweed, and is known for its medicinal and authentic quality. However, in recent years, it has been found that some collectors in the coastal areas have only asked for quantities, regardless of their quality, which has led to the incorporation of quite a few counterfeit products, which has caused the confusion of algae medicine varieties. The first section of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (1995 edition) clearly stipulates that seaweed