从关注自己如何教到关注孩子如何学 运用“学习故事”促进教师观察评价能力提升的实践与探索

来源 :今日教育(幼教金刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dbfan
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《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)、《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)的颁布施行,幼儿园一线教育教学工作者在深入学习、领会、实践的过程中,教育思想、理念和教学行为也在悄然发生变化,更为科学的儿童观、教育观正在逐步建构。但在这样一个教育发展与变革的进程中,当我们走进幼儿园却时常发现:大家“想的”与“说的”、“说的”与“做的”是存在着一定差距的。也就是我们常说的“观念”与“行为”产生脱节,这正是当前学前教育改革遇到的瓶颈。为什么在实践的过程中,无法实施适宜的教育行为,或适宜的教 “Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline (Trial)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”), “3-6-year-old Learning and Development Guide” (hereinafter referred to as the “Guide”) promulgated and implemented in kindergarten teaching and learning workers in-depth study and understanding In the process of practice, the educational thoughts, ideas and teaching behaviors are quietly changing. A more scientific view of children and education are being gradually constructed. However, in such a process of educational development and change, when we walked into kindergarten, we often found out that what we want to say and what we say, what we say and what we do is There is a certain gap. That is, we often say that the concept of “” and “behavior ” out of line, which is the bottleneck encountered in the reform of preschool education. Why in the process of practice, unable to implement appropriate educational practices, or appropriate teaching
摘 要游戏教育可以帮助幼儿从“玩中学”到“学中玩”。随着现代教育理念的多元化发展,在幼儿教育中融入游戏教育内容是大势所趋。因此,探索游戏教育在幼儿教育中的应用具有十分重要的现实意义。本文以游戏教育为切入点,概述游戏教育在幼儿教育中的重要性的基础上,重点探讨了游戏教育在幼儿教育中的应用策略,以期指导教学实践。  【关键词】游戏教育;幼儿教育;应用策略  幼儿时期是孩子迅速发展的时期,游戏是一种符合幼