During the war of resistance against Japan, Yunnan, once known as the hometown of song and dance, started a drama movement in the context of anti-Japanese national salvation. In this theatrical movement mainly based on propaganda needs of the war, people from all walks of life actively organize theatrical performance groups, including drama, Peking Opera and Yunnan local opera, to participate in theatrical performances; and create drama journals and supplements such as Yunnan Daily “Art Review”, “Southerly Wind”, “Stage and Screen” of “Justice”, “Shadow and Drama”, “Drama” of “Yi Shi Evening News”, etc. The periodicals include “Integrated Art”, “ ”Friends of the Opera“ and so on, published works of theatrical works and other theater-related articles; writing drama scripts, representatives for ”toilet“, ”wild rose“, ”earth dragon snake“ Little Spy ”; actively promote theatrical performances, the more influential“ Anti-Enemy Trilogy ”,“ Peacock Ghoul, ”“ Qing Palace History ”,“ Wilderness ”,“ Wild Rose ”,“ Little Spy ”and so on. During the war of resistance against Japan, the drama movement in Yunnan not only entertained the people, enriched life but also promoted the anti-Japanese war. In the longer term, it also deserved to train theatrical talents with worth and meaning worth thinking deeply.