为了解舟山口岸进出境鱼类自然感染异尖线虫情况,取进出境各种鱼类1 152尾,解剖鱼体进行检查。检获虫体清洗后,用70%酒精固定,在显微镜下鉴定。结果显示检出645尾感染异尖线虫幼虫,总感染率为55.99%(645/1 152),发现检出10 065条异尖线虫幼虫,总感染强度为15.60(10 065/645)。调查结果表明,进出境鱼类异尖线虫的感染率较高,生食海鱼时,应注意对异尖线虫病的预防。
In order to understand the natural infection of Anchias nematodes at the entry and exit of Zhoushan port, 1 152 tail fish of various kinds were taken in and out of the country for examination. After the parasites were seized, they were fixed with 70% alcohol and identified under a microscope. The results showed that a total of 645 infected Anaxis larvae were detected with a total infection rate of 55.99% (645/1 152). A total of 10 065 Anaxis larvae were found with a total infection intensity of 15.60 (10 065/645). Survey results show that the import and export of fish Anisakis infection is higher, raw fish should pay attention to the prevention of Anisakis disease.