Male patient, 63 years old. Mainly due to heel, cheekbones, ribs, vertebrae, cheekbones, etc. Pain and abdominal cramps with hematuria have occurred in the past 10 years. Urinary calculi have occurred in 6 cases of renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, etc. X-ray examination prompted multiple bones Loose, pathological fracture of ribs, increased blood phosphatase, hospitalized for further diagnosis and treatment on February 24, 1985. Physical examination: In general, the blood pressure is 140/80mmHg, the pulse is 100 beats/min, and the breath is 28 breaths/min. The thyroid gland is small, has no palpable mass, no tremors and vascular murmurs. Barrel chest, normal heart and lungs. Abdominal softness without tenderness, liver and spleen not touched. Two ribs, xiphoid, and thoracic vertebrae at the 4th thoracic spine were tender, and the limbs were visible and the toes were clearly hamstringed.