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西方发展经济学的演变经历了两个明显不同的阶段,40年代末到60年代初为第一阶段,60年代中期以后为第二阶段。在这两个阶段中,发展思想有重大变化,由强调计划干预到注重市场机制作用,由重工轻农到注重农业发展,由强调物质资本积累到注重人力资源开发,由低估对外贸易作用到强调出口导向工业化,等等。 一、第一阶段的发展思想 二次世界大战后,原来处于殖民地、附属国地位的国家纷纷在政治上获得独立,号称发展中国家。发展中国家之间虽然存在多方面的差异性,但它们同时又具有相同的重要特征,如人均收入水平低、人口负担重、 The evolution of Western development economics has gone through two distinct phases, the first from the late 1940s to the early 1960s and the second from the mid-1960s. In these two stages, the development thinking has undergone significant changes. From emphasizing the plan intervention to focusing on the market mechanism, from heavy industry and light industry to focusing on agricultural development, stressing the accumulation of material capital to focusing on human resources development and emphasizing the role of underestimation of foreign trade Export-oriented industrialization, and more. First, the development of the first phase of thinking After the Second World War, the original colony, affiliated state status have been politically independent, known as developing countries. Although there are many differences between developing countries, they also have the same important characteristics at the same time, such as low per capita income, heavy population burden,
家系1 先证者,男,31岁.因"肢体僵硬、运动迟缓8年"于2005年7月来诊.患者8年前出现右侧肢体僵硬,活动不灵活、缓慢,时任报务员,右手僵硬、活动不灵活,发报动作迟缓,难以完成日常工作,遂开始使用左手发报.当时行走右脚经常拖步,速度慢.7年前左侧肢体受累,行走时不协调,双侧上肢缺少摆动,站立时身体向前屈曲,行走时起步困难,小碎步。
AIM:To investigate the intragastric mechanisms forregulation of gastric neuroendocrine functions during gastricdistention in isolated vascularly perfused rat s
AIM:To express Hsp60 protein of H pylori by a constructedvector and to evaluate its immunogenicity.METHODS:Hsp60 DNA was amplified by PCR and insertedinto the
创业篇——艰苦奋斗 人们不会忘记,新中国成立伊始,年轻的共和国面对的是战争废墟,百业待兴。那时,几乎没有像样的枪械制造厂,人民解放军装备的枪械也极其陈旧,型号杂乱,基
AIM:Because the presence or absence of H pylori infectionhas important implications for therapeutic decisions basedon histological assessment,the reproducibili
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