Effects of Sucrose on Total RNA Concentration during Formation of Microtubers of Pinellia ternata in

来源 :Agricultural Biotechnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arile1027
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[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the variation rule of total RNA concentration during formation of microtubers of Pinellia ternata induced by sucrose. [Method] Plantlets of P. ternata were used as experimental materials. Total RNA concentration was determined with spectrophotometer, and the variation of total RNA was analyzed before and after formation of P. ternata microtubers treated with different concentrations of sucrose using DDRT-PCR technology. [Result] Total RNA concentration of P. ternata treated with different concentrations of sucrose varied greatly, which showed an upward trend in the first 15 d, declined from 15th d to 25th d, and slightly raised from 25th d to 30th d. Microtubers formed under various sucrose treatments showed an increase in RNA concentration after induction, and it was assumed that the treatment of high concentrations of sucrose might have activated the expression of development-related genes in P. ternata microtubers. [Conclusion] This study provides the basis for revealing the related gene expression information and molecular mechanism during formation of P. ternata microtubers induced by sucrose. [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the variation rule of total RNA concentration during formation of microtubers of Pinellia ternata induced by sucrose. [Method] Plantlets of P. ternata were used as experimental materials. Total RNA concentration was determined with spectrophotometer, and the variation of total RNA was analyzed before and after formation of P. ternata microtubers treated with different concentrations of sucrose using DDRT-PCR technology. [Result] Total RNA concentration of P. ternata treated with different concentrations of sucrose varied greatly, which showed an upward trend in the first 15 days, declined from 15th d to 25th d, and slightly raised from 25th d to 30th days. Microtubers formed under various sucrose treatments showed an increase in RNA concentration after induction, and it was assumed that the treatment of high temperature of sucrose might have activated the expression of development-related genes in P. ternata microtubers. [Conclusion] This study provides the basis for revealing the related gene expression information and molecular mechanism of formation of P. ternata microtubers induced by sucrose.
马蜂窝捅不得,但我就捅过,我和弟弟差点儿没被马蜂蜇死。  我十三岁那年夏天的一个中午,我和弟弟跑到前大沟瞅小鸟,发现不断有“土蜂”从墙上一个小窟窿眼儿里进进出出。我想,里边一定有很多蜂蜜,便撺掇弟弟一块儿捅了它,解解馋,弟弟说“行”。于是,我们跑回家从头到脚武装起来:我穿上夹袄夹裤,戴上手套,绑紧袖口、裤脚,用一张小筛面箩罩到脸上,再用一条毛围脖将脑袋、箩圈、脖子缠了个严严实实,将一块毛毯叠成两层
本论文共分为五个部分,首先对近年来小分子与血清白蛋白相互作用的现状进行综述,接下来分章阐述本人在小分子与血清白蛋白(serum albumin, SA)相互作用领域所做的工作。光谱法和其他方法手段在小分子与生物分子相互作用中的应用也越来越广泛,然而结合化学计量学来研究两者作用的报道还相对比较少。本论文就尝试在此领域进行一部分工作。第一部分:本节首先简要介绍了血清白蛋白的结构、功能以及性质,然后阐述
商人在世人看来有着一种神秘感,这是一群不畏艰难、敢于冒险的商人。光鲜和神秘的背后,这群人骨子里都有甘于埋头苦干的精神,正是坚忍不拔的精神和脚踏实地的作风,把一个个有风险的投资串联成成功的企业运营。  上个世纪九十年代,真正的市场经济才刚刚开始,打开国门的人们用新奇和市场经济的目光看着世界。同是沿海城市的温州没有深圳幸运,能搭上改革开放最早的一班车,然而温州商人在努力寻找一切有钱赚的事情在做。  1
[Objective] The study aimed to carry out the regionalization of climate suitability about spring potato planting in Western Guizhou on the basis of GIS technolo