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作文教学在整个语文教育过程中,占有很大的比重,可以说是语文教学的“半壁江山”。流动学生不好管理,忽视学习是目前不可回避的社会现象。作文教学更是举步维艰,困难重重。为此,笔者在教学中尝试了以下一些训练方法:1.降低要求,赏识亮点;2.课本为例,进行仿写;3.课外阅读,丰富储备;4.巧用时间,以听、说促写;5.课外练笔,集中辅导;6.好中选优,自我欣赏;7.写自己的文,出自己的书。 Essay teaching in the entire Chinese education process, occupy a large proportion, can be said that language teaching “half”. Mobile students are not good management, neglect of learning is the inevitable social phenomenon. Essay teaching is difficult and difficult. To this end, the author tried some of the following training methods in teaching: 1. Reduce the requirements, appreciation of highlights; 2. Textbooks, for example; 3. Extracurricular reading, rich reserves; 4. Clever use of time to listen to that Promote write; 5 practice pen practice, focus on counseling; 6 good choice, self-appreciation; 7 write your own text, out of their own books.