在很长一段时间里,中国人不讲究服务,甚至认为那是资产阶级情调;又有一段时间,人们普遍认为花了钱,就理所应当得到服务,在附加15%服务费时,总会觉得心里酸溜溜的;近些年来,大家渐渐地认可了服务,认可了服务是有价的,有人甚至习惯了付小费。 有价服务其实在销售系统级产品的IT公司中,已经存在有些时日了。5月23日到26日在西子湖畔召开的“’98惠普支持服务论坛”,是第八界合同用户年会。有350多位HP的用户代表参加了此次年会。惠普亚太区软件与服务集团营销总监Wolfram Fischer先生,杭州市副市长到会分别发表了精彩演说,众多国内外专家及用户就系统维护和如何使系统发挥最大工效等问题展开了深入探讨。
For a long time, the Chinese did not pay attention to services or even regarded them as bourgeois sentiments. For a while, people generally thought that when they spent money, they deserved to be served. When they attached a 15% service charge, they would always think Sour hearts; in recent years, we gradually recognized the service, recognized the service is valuable, some people even used to tip. Valuable Services In fact, IT companies selling system-level products have existed for some time. May 23 to 26 held in the West Lake “’98 Hewlett-Packard Support Services Forum”, is the eighth annual contract users. More than 350 HP user representatives attended the event. Wolfram Fischer, Marketing Director of Hewlett-Packard Asia-Pacific Software and Services Group, and Vice Mayor of Hangzhou delivered speeches respectively. Many domestic and foreign experts and users conducted in-depth discussions on system maintenance and how to maximize system efficiency.