同舟共济渡难关——访中国锻压协会 张金秘书长

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2008年中国的制造业一直承受着巨大的压力——原材料价格波动、人力成本上涨、人民币升值,以及金融危机等,如何在这个寒冬中积聚力量生存下去,修炼好内功,实现可持续性发展就成了锻压行业面临首要的问题。中国锻压协会作为中国锻造、冲压和钣金加工企业惟一的全国性行业协会,面对新的发展形势,协会将如何为行业服务,对行业有些什么建议?带着广大读者关注的热点问题,本刊记者采访了中国锻压协会的常务副理事长、秘书长张金先生。 China’s manufacturing industry has been under tremendous pressure in 2008 - fluctuating raw material prices, rising labor costs, the appreciation of the renminbi, and the financial crisis, how to accumulate power in this winter to survive, cultivate internal strength and achieve sustainable development Forging industry has become the primary problem. As the only national trade association for forging, stamping and sheet metal processing in China, China Forging Association is facing the new development situation, how the association will serve the industry and what are the suggestions for the industry? With the hot issues that readers are concerned about, Reporter interviewed China Forging Association executive vice president, secretary general Zhang Jin.