由芬兰劳莫-雷波拉的帕卡诺(Parka-no)机器制造厂提供给苏联西部贝辰加镍公司的两台球磨机,据说是世界上最大的球磨机了。每台磨机的圆筒直径为6.5m、长9.65m,由一台与圆筒相连的9.65MW 环形电动机驱动。这两台磨机将构成一次和二次磨矿回路。一台与上述规格相同的球磨机样机由挪威奥斯陆的斯坎梅克(Scanmec)公司于1981年提供给挪威基尔克内斯的锡德瓦兰格(Sydvaranger)公司。据报道,它大大降低了能耗和操作费用。在五年的生产使用期
Two ball mills, supplied by the Parka-no machine builder in Laomo-Labola, Finland, to Bechtel Nickel in the western Soviet Union are said to be the largest ball mill in the world. Each mill has a cylinder diameter of 6.5 m and a length of 9.65 m and is driven by a 9.65 MW ring motor connected to the cylinder. These two mills will make up the primary and secondary grinding circuits. A ball mill prototype of the same specifications as above was supplied to Sydvaranger in Kirknes, Norway, in 1981 by Scanmec of Oslo, Norway. It is reported that it greatly reduces energy consumption and operating costs. In the five-year production period