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南中国海莺歌海盆地上中新统黄流组一段高温超压、高产岩性气藏天然气成藏主控因素有3点:①重力流沉积优质储层;②气藏处于盆地东、西部物源交汇区西侧,上覆优质浅海相泥岩盖层;③气藏位于底辟构造外围,其下部存在沟通深部中中新统梅山组、下中新统三亚组超高压、高成熟烃源岩的断裂/裂隙系统。莺歌海盆地高温超压气藏成藏模式有2种:①岩性型,气藏分布于底辟背斜翼部、外围甚至向斜底部,圈闭形成早,气藏不受底辟构造控制;②背斜型,气藏分布于底辟背斜上,构造定形、天然气聚集受控于晚期的底辟活动,气藏受底辟构造控制。其中,岩性气藏储层孔渗好,规模大。 The main controlling factors of natural gas accumulation in the first member of the Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation in the Songhai Basin in the South China Sea are: ① gravity flow deposition of high-quality reservoirs; ② gas reservoirs are located in the east and west of the basin The upper part of the confluence of the source area and the overlying high-quality marine mudstone caprock; (3) the gas reservoir is located outside the diapir structure, and the lower part of the reservoir is connected with the Meso-Eocene Meishan Formation and the Lower Miocene Sanya Formation ultra-high pressure and high maturity source rock Fracture / fracture system. There are two types of reservoirs in the high-temperature overpressure gas reservoirs in Yinggehai Basin: (1) Lithologic types, gas reservoirs are distributed in the diapir anticline, and the periphery is even toward the bottom of the syncline. The traps formed earlier and the gas reservoir was not controlled by the diapir structure ; (2) anticline, the gas reservoir is distributed on the diapir anticline, tectonic setting, natural gas accumulation controlled by the late diapir activity, and the gas reservoir is controlled by the diapir structure. Among them, lithologic gas reservoirs have good pore permeability and large scale.
建立了紫外-可见分光光度法测定单质碘含量的新方法.结果表明,I2在KI水溶液、丙酮、无水乙醇及三氯甲烷中的最大吸收波长(λmax)分别为287.5 nm、363.5 nm、446.5 nm和511.0