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  1. Lots of people exercise every morning ____ bad weather stops them.
   A. if         B. unless          C. until           D. since
  2. Never put off ____ tomorrow what you can do today.
   A. until      B. before             C. when             D. as
  3. Mom won’t let Dick go out ____ he promises to be back by 10:00 tonight.
   A. if         B. when               C. since                D. unless
  4. Many people like reading newspapers ____ they can learn what’s happening in the world.
   A. so that        B. ever since          C. as soon as         D. even though
  5. They spoke ____ quietly ____ I could hardly hear them.
   A. such; that     B. so; that             C. neither; nor        D. both; and
  as soon as, so... that..., so, though, before
  1. Anna was ____ sad ____ she didn’t want to eat anything.
  2. —Did you win the game yesterday?
  —Not really. ____ we all tried our best, we lost it.
  3. It’s a good habit to wash your hands ____ you have meals.
  4. Last night, the shop was closed ____ she didn’t buy any chocolate.
  5. I’ll go to visit my aunt in England ____ the summer holiday starts.
  1. The box is so heavy that we can’t carry it. (改为同义句)
  The box is ____ heavy for us ____ carry.
  2. This year’s car exhibition was very special. It attracted many visitors. (合并为一句)
  This year’s car exhibition was ____ special ____ it attracted many visitors.
  3. You never play well unless you practice more. (改为同义句)
  You never play well ____ you ____ practice more.
  4. She was so clever that she worked out the math problem. (改为同义句)
  She was ____ ____ ____ work out the math problem.
  5. Please call me when you arrive in Xiamen. (改为同义句)
  Please call me ____ ____ ____ you arrive in Xiamen.
  1. 公园太美了,我们喜欢在这里玩。
  It is ____ ____ ____ ____ that we like to play in it.
  2. 直到他妈妈回来,他才上床睡觉。
  He ____ ____ to bed ____ his mother ____ back.
  3. 我女儿要是不饿就不吃饺子。
  My daughter ____ ____ dumplings ____ she ____ very hungry.
  4. 汤姆紧张得不能在全班同学面前讲话。
  Tom ____ ____ ____ that he ____ ____ in front of all the classmates.
  5. ——下周六我能和你一起去科学博物馆吗?
  —____ I ____ to the science museum with you next Saturday?
  —You ____ go ____ you have a ticket. I ____ only one ticket.
There are some quite cold places in the world. The people there live very different lives. Here are four of the coldest places in the world.  Verkhoyansk has 1,434 people. It lies 404 miles from Yakut
我们在交谈时,经常听到一些音似乎被吞掉,并伴有短暂的停顿,这就是失去爆破和不完全爆破。二者是英语语音学的一个重点,也是难点。  一、什么是失去爆破?  当两个爆破辅音相邻时,前一个爆破辅音只做出发音动作,不送气,不发出爆破声,后一个爆破辅音要发出爆破声。因而,前一个爆破辅音被称作失去爆破。  二、什么是不完全爆破?  当爆破辅音和其他辅音相邻时,该爆破辅音只做出发音动作,不送气,不发出爆破声,称作
过去进行时态是我们英语考试中经常考到的一个重要时态。对动词的延续性与非延续性,以及从属连词when与while的选择,都是比较困难的要点。要破解这些难点,请同学们从以下四招着手。  一、过去进行时的意义  过去进行时是表示在过去某一具体时刻正在进行着的动作,强调某一动作在过去某时正在进行。  Mr. Green was washing his car at nine o’clock yesterd
英语背诵的好处很多,对提高英语水平有很大的帮助。然而,有许多同学对背诵十分反感,排除个人不努力的因素,背诵不得法是一个主要方面,主要表现在:  1. 机械记忆,不懂句型、語法  遇到老师布置的任务,有的同学不是先理解句型和语法,而是机械记忆。不懂句型,便会在背诵时少单词或乱加单词。例如:有的同学会造出“I am have a book.”这样的句子,如果能理解be动词和实义动词不能在一般现在时态中
IV. 完形填空  与原来的完形填空题相比,选词填空型完形填空更注重考生对篇章语境中词汇的理解和实际运用的能力,更好地测试考生掌握词汇的情况。解题时:1. 浏览选项,词性分类,缩小范围。2. 速读全文,了解大意。3. 阅读文章,定位准确,进一步缩小范围,确定答案。4. 再次通读全文,核对答案。  【试题重现】 (节选,保留原题号)  (A) Please read the following pa
英语中的停顿和汉语中的停顿类似,如果一段文字让你一口气说完,中间没有停顿,不仅说话人累,听者也会累,这就需要停顿。今天我们就一起来看一下英语中的停顿。  停顿是英语语流中的一个重要的语音现象,对英语节奏有着至关重要的影响。但是,人们在学习英语语音的过程中往往忽视了停顿,没有养成正确的停顿习惯。  意群是意思联系紧密的短语或从句,英语以意群的形式来表达观点和看法。因而,在一个意群后面可停顿一下,用单
一、单项选择。  1. —Time is money.  —But I think time is ____ money.   A. as important as B. more important than   C. the most important D. less important as  2. —Home is ____ place wherever you go.  —Yes.
1. population n. 人口;群体  作主语,表达一个整体概念时,谓语动词用单数;当其前有分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动词可用单数或复数。  The population is increasing faster and faster. 人口增长得越来越快。  【拓展】 (1) 询问人口数量的句型是:Whats the population of...?  Whats the populat
Robert told his students a story. He said, “You can bring change to the world even if its a small one. Your small help can also make a big difference to someones life.”  Robert often ran around a park
I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句中所缺的单词。  1. Learning is a lifelong j____ because every day brings something new.  2. My younger sister is old enough to dress h____.  3. The ____ (死亡) of my dog made me sad.  4. Tom