
来源 :档案与建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kulahai
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建立科学合理的绩效管理模式已成为高校推行管理体制改革中的新常态,高校教师绩效档案管理也应运而生。与此同时,绩效管理的周期性和连续性决定了高校教师档案管理工作的复杂性和系统性。高校教师档案管理工作的有效开展,有利于进一步深化改革高校教师绩效考核制度。通过对高校教师绩效管理工作的特殊性分析,及高校教师绩效档案在绩效管理过程中的重要性分析,提出与之相适应的绩效档案管理方案,形成绩效管理与绩效档案管理相互促进、相互保障的统筹发展方案。 Establishing a scientific and reasonable performance management model has become a new normal in the reform of management system in colleges and universities. The management of college teachers’ performance records has also emerged. At the same time, the periodicity and continuity of performance management determine the complexity and systematicness of college teacher records management. The effective implementation of university teacher archives management is conducive to further deepening the reform of the university teachers performance appraisal system. Through the analysis of the specialties of university teachers ’performance management and the importance analysis of university teachers’ performance files in the process of performance management, this paper puts forward the performance file management plan that is suitable for them, and forms the mutual promotion and mutual protection between performance management and performance file management Integrated development program.
Pride and Prejudice is a novel about surmounting obstacles and achieving romantic happiness. The theme of pride and prejudice is discussed throughout the novel,
本文从诗歌的主题、音韵、文本的语境和功能等方面对短诗London进行文体分析,以期提高读者对英国诗歌的赏析能力。 In this paper, stylistic analysis of the short poem L
瘦素是由肥胖基因(obese gene)编码、主要是脂肪组织合成并分泌的一种激素,具有调控摄食和能量消耗、抑制细胞凋亡、促进细胞增殖和血管发生的作用.瘦素与其受体在乳腺癌、结
目的 探讨弱酸(盐)对植物乳杆菌耐酸性的影响.方法 在植物乳杆菌发酵过程中,添加50mmol/L乙酸、10mrnol/L丙酸、20mmol/L正丁酸、50mmol/L乙酸钾及2mmol/L柠檬酸钾.结果 添加