节译自“金属工业中的能源效率”一文,具体介绍了金属生产中可为示范的通过改进工艺而能节能的42项节能事例。原文摘要为:随着金属产品世界市场竞争的日益增长,对质量和经济效益的要求也提高了。由于金属生产的一个主要因素是能源消耗,所以能效管理局(Energy Efficiency Office)制定了一个规划,目的在于通过改进生产工艺促进能源效率的提高。而最重要的是用工业方面实际完成的改造来示范可取得的效益。本文将介绍能效示范规划中若干成功的做法。
Translated from “Energy Efficiency in the Metal Industry,” a paper that describes 42 energy-saving examples of energy-saving improvements that can be demonstrated in metal production. The original abstracts are as follows: With the increasing competition in the metal products world market, the requirements for quality and economic benefits are also raised. As one of the major factors in metal production is energy consumption, the Energy Efficiency Office has developed a plan to promote energy efficiency by improving the manufacturing process. The most important thing is to demonstrate the benefits that can be achieved by using the modifications actually done in the industry. This article describes several successful practices in the demonstration of energy efficiency.