
来源 :财政监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oswaldhui
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财政部目前修订的医疗机构财务、会计及审计等五项制度同步推出,是为了适应社会主义市场经济和医疗卫生事业发展的需要,进一步规范医院的会计核算,提高会计信息质量及财务管理所进行的。当前,我国的医疗公共财务管理存在诸多问题,公共资源使用和分配存在的不合理性,引发了民众对政府的信任置疑。本文在分析医疗财务管理弊病的基础上,对公共财务管理的性质进行了探讨,并对完善和规范我国的医疗公共财务管理制度提出了对策和建议。 The Ministry of Finance currently revised the five financial institutions, accounting and auditing system simultaneously launched in order to meet the needs of the socialist market economy and the development of medical and health services, to further standardize the hospital’s accounting, accounting information to improve the quality and financial management carried out of. At present, there are many problems in medical public financial management in our country. The irrationality of the use and distribution of public resources has aroused public suspicion of trust in the government. Based on the analysis of the disadvantages of medical financial management, this paper discusses the nature of public financial management and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to perfect and standardize the medical public financial management system in our country.
春节期间播出的《舌尖上的中国》第三季,捧红了一口章丘铁锅。该分集播出后仅几十分钟,“臻三环”章丘铁锅网店的2 000余口库存卖光,后续产生10万口左右订单……一时间,洛阳纸贵、章丘无锅,新年后消费市场的首个风头,被一口传统铁锅抢去,背后饶有意味。  当今社会,生活节奏快,人们压力较大,容易心浮气躁,缺少精雕细琢、精益求精的精神。近年来,越来越多的人开始崇尚简单、朴实的生活,看惯了在同一生产线下生产
以油酸甲酯和油酸乙酯混合液(体积比为1 ∶1)为吸收剂,研究了吸收剂温度、填料层高度、吸收剂的循环使用对乙酸丁酯废气的吸收效果。结果表明,当填料层高度1 000 mm,吸收剂温