目的 分析影响Nd :YAG激光泪道成形术疗效的各种因素。方法 分别按不同病程、不同阻塞部位、不同阻塞类型对接受Nd :YAG激光泪道成形术的患者 2 0 4例 2 4 6眼进行分组 ,比较各组间治愈率的差异 ,回顾性分析影响激光泪道成形术疗效的相关因素。结果 激光泪道成形术对于下泪道阻塞、病程半年以下及单纯性鼻泪管阻塞的疗效好于上泪道、多部位阻塞、病程半年以下和慢性泪囊炎的疗效
Objective To analyze various factors affecting the efficacy of Nd: YAG laser lacrimaloplasty. METHODS: Totally 204 cases (246 eyes) with Nd: YAG laser lacrimaloplasty were divided into groups according to the course of disease, different occlusion sites and different occlusion types, and the difference of cure rates among groups was compared. Retrospective analysis of the influence of lasers Relevant factors in the efficacy of lacrimal ductoplasty. The results of lacrimal duct lacrimal duct lacrimal duct obstruction for less than six months and simple treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction better than the upper lacrimal duct, multi-site obstruction, duration of less than six months and the efficacy of chronic dacryocystitis