制备了A l2O3/PP及其加入氧化锌、铜粉、铝粉、石墨粉的A l2O3/PP导热复合材料,研究表明加入A l2O3使PP的导热系数提高,且A l2O3/PP复合材料的导热系数随A l2O3用量增加而提高。加入第3组分Cu、ZnO、A l和石墨,进一步提高A l2O3/PP复合材料的导热系数。用接枝PP作为基体的复合材料导热性能比PP的高,但接枝PP与PP共混物作为基体的复合材料的导热系数反而比PP的低。复合材料的导热系数也与材料制备工艺有关。
A l2O3 / PP and Al l2O3 / PP thermal conductive composites with zinc oxide, copper powder, aluminum powder and graphite powder were prepared. The results show that the thermal conductivity of PP is increased with the addition of Al 2 O 3 and the thermal conductivity of Al 2 O 3 / PP composites The coefficient increases with increasing A l2O3 dosage. Adding the third component of Cu, ZnO, Al and graphite, to further improve the A l2O3 / PP composite thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of the composites with grafted PP as the matrix was higher than that of PP, but the thermal conductivity of the composites with grafted PP and PP blends as matrix was lower than that of PP. The thermal conductivity of composite materials and materials preparation process.