20 0 0年 3月~ 1 2月对新疆石河子市婚前青年进行了调查 ,旨在了解婚前青年对性病、艾滋病的知识、态度、信念、行为 (KABP) ,以掌握此类人群有关性病、艾滋性KABP的状况 ,这为今后开展相关人群性病、艾滋病防治知识的健康教育提供依据。1 调查对象及方法1 .1 调查
Pre-marital youth in Shihezi City of Xinjiang Province was investigated from March to December 2010 to understand the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors (KABP) of premarital youth on STD and AIDS and to understand the related STDs and AIDS Sex KABP status, which for the future development of relevant human sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS prevention and control knowledge to provide health education. 1 respondents and methods 1 .1 survey