Study on the Irony in Empresses in the Palace

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  Abstract:Irony is an essential part in the literary creation. Since the TV series Empresses in the Palace was broadcast in 2011,the original novel has been arousing great interest of readers. The irony in Empresses in the Palace will be analyzed and the prominent effect of irony will also be studied in the paper.
  Key Words:Empresses in the Palace;irony;language features
  Irony is an important part in the literary creation. The process of literary creation has witnessed a long and prosperous history,not only in China but also in other places all over the world. Along with the process,irony becomes more and more mature. At the same time,the influence and function grow to be more powerful. With the development of irony,the studies and researches of it have become a large group,strong and comprehensive. Empresses in the Palace is mainly a court play novel,set in Qing Dynasty,written by Liu Lianzi(流潋紫). Along with the overwhelming hit of the TV series Empresses in the Palace in 2011,the public’s high concentration has been attracted on this marvelous work,triggering the trend to follow its utterance manners and styles. For example,“The Study on the Adaptation of Empresses in the Palace”,written by Sun Aizhe(孙爱哲)in 2013.
  2. Analyses of the Irony in Empresses in the Palace
  2.1 Definition of Irony
  Irony is a rhetorical device,“in which emphasis is achieved by employing words in a way that conveys a meaning opposite to its usual meaning.” Christy Wampole,a professor of French at Princeton University,on the New York times,once writes,“If the irony is the spiritual feature of our era,Hipster should be the typical irony of our life.” The typical feature of irony is that what the speaker wants to say is always contradictory to what it seems to be. This special peculiarity of irony will be helpful when the distinction is done among the rhetorical devices.
  2.2 The Irony in Empresses in the Palace
  In chapter four,Xia Dongchun says “妹妹以为才人出身武门,必定文武双全,果真姐姐如此勇毅,不失家门风范。妹妹本来对才人仰慕已久,可惜百闻不如一见。妹妹真是怀疑关于才人家世的传闻是讹传呢。”[1]It’s totally an irony discourse. It implies that Xia Dongchun is so impolite and rude. The only reason that can explain the behavior is that she comes from a general family. These words not only satirize Xia Dongchun herself,but also her family. An Lingrong quotes a saying that it is better to see for oneself rather than to hear for many times,which suggests that Xia’s behavior and her family style have been known by the public. This irony is so implicit and delicate that the arrogant Xia Dongchun considers it as a thorough compliment. In chapter seven,the emperor confers the title of nobility on Zhen Huan unexpectedly. The emperor says,“你如今差事当得越发好了,朕的旨意都要多问。”[2] Firstly,he employs better to imply the inverse meaning. It skillfully suggests that Li Chang has interposed too much beyond his work. Secondly,this irony is delicate and subtle so that the face of Li Chang is not destroyed in front of other servants. Thirdly,as an emperor,he should learn to keep calm.   3. Effects of the Irony in Empresses in the Palace
  3.1 Effects on the Stylistic Features of Empresses in the Palace
  The stylistic features in Empresses in the Palace can be summarized into the four points. Firstly,formal and full of the taste of history. Secondly,rich classical beauty. Thirdly,subtle,implied and reserved. The four points,typical stylistic features,are very essential for the creation of Empresses in the Palace. Without the help of the irony,the effects of the stylistic features above would be weaker. A typical example is applied to illustrate the point in the following part. It’s a discourse made by Xin Guipin(欣贵嫔)in chapter thirteen,“容华真是贤良淑德。”[3]The fact is that this is completely an irony. It’s clear that the relationship between Cao Ronghua and Shen Meizhuang is not harmonious at all. But when Shen Meizhuang makes a request for more soup,Cao Ronghua expresses her friendliness at once.
  3.2 Effects on the Characterization of Empresses in the Palace
  Character creation is an essential part in novel construction. In some degree,the condition of the character creation largely influences the success of a novel. Many a famous novel makes great success in the character creation. The figure of Hua Fei is created very successfully,especially through her special utterance style and manner. Once she hears that the emperor dotes on Zhen Huan very much,she says,“把她当杨贵妃宠着吗?”[4] In this discourse,it is full of jealousy and dissatisfaction. Although she doesn’t express her mind with direct words,this allusion of Yang Guifei rightly suggests the special characters of Hua Fei. Firstly,the bitter sarcastic speaking manner always comes along with her.
  4. Conclusion
  On the whole,the general effects of irony are divided into two parts mentioned above. Through the application of irony,the stylistic style and characterization of the work can be conveyed efficiently.
  [1]Aristotle. On Rhetoric:a Theory of Civic Discourse [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007.
  [2]A S Hornby. Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary [M]. Beijing:The Commercial Press,2009.
  [3]Booth,Wayne C. The Rhetoric of RHETORIC:The Quest for Effective Communication [M]. New Jersey:Blackwell Publishing Ltd,2004.
  [4]流潋紫. 甄嬛传[M]. 浙江:浙江文艺出版社,2012.
  [5]刘琴. 多重视角下的《甄嬛传》[J]. 北京:中国学书报刊电子出版社,2012(04).
  [6]王希杰. 汉语修辞学 [M]. 北京:商务印书馆,2004.
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