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今年是苏联作家康·巴乌斯托夫斯基(1892——1968)诞生100周年。本期特刊出其短篇小说15篇,以示纪念。巴乌斯托夫斯基在苏联文坛上被认为是抒情散文的巨匠。他的作品,特别是短篇小说,充溢着诗情画意,散发着生活芳香。小说不着意于重大的事件和曲折的情节,写的只是凡人小事,然而作家却能从这些平凡的事件和普通人身上发掘出人生有价值的东西,通过淡雅的情调,徐缓的节奏和蕴藉的意境,体现出人的真挚而深沉的美好情感。这种情感是巴氏作品的灵魂,它像淅沥的春雨,“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”(杜甫),一点一滴渗入读者心田;又像徐徐的清风,拨动人的心弦,激起人们对心灵美的追求和对生活美的向往。正是这种独特的艺术风格,使巴乌斯托夫斯基在苏联文坛上占了一席地位,并且深受中国读者的欢迎。本期选载的15篇作品中,前面13篇均选自《巴乌斯托夫斯基九卷集》的第6卷,译文及评论是辽宁师大提供的。 This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Confederation writer Kubastovski (1892-1968). This issue special issue of 15 short stories to commemorate. Bartstoffs in the Soviet literary world is considered a master of lyrical prose. His works, especially short stories, are full of poetic aura, exuding the aroma of life. The novel is not intended for major events and twists and turns, just write a small event, but writers can find valuable things in life from these ordinary events and ordinary people, through the elegant atmosphere, slow pace and implied Artistic conception, reflecting the sincere and deep beautiful emotions. This emotion is the soul of the Papa’s works. It resembles the spring rain of patter, “Sneaking into the night with the wind, and moistens the body” (Du Fu), dripping bit by bit into the heart of the reader; like the gentle breeze, , Arousing people’s pursuit of the beauty of the soul and yearning for the beauty of life. It is this unique style of art that enabled Barsostovsky to occupy a place in the Soviet literary world and was very much appreciated by Chinese readers. Of the 15 works selected in this issue, the first 13 are selected from Volume 6 of Bartovsky’s Nine-Volume Set, and translations and commentary are provided by Liaoning Normal University.
闻臭寻源:    口腔作为人体所需物质的入口,四通八达,口内有牙齿、牙床、咽、扁桃体、各种唾液腺,上通鼻腔,下达消化道和气道,横贯中耳,因此这些部位的疾病都可以导致口臭。唾液的气味也提供某些内脏的疾病信息。  口源性:口腔内有积奶或积存的食物残渣未能及时洗净;牙齿有大龋洞,内有腐败污物:牙龈发炎、出血,或有牙龈瘘管出脓;口腔溃疡、扁桃体炎、咽炎等。食物残渣、坏死组织和脓液受到细菌作用后,产生吲哚、
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2005年第三届中国·太原国际面食节珍馔集萃!山西@牟兆兰正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to v
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.