目的:探讨贫血对肾小管间质疾病的诊断价值。方法:总结35 a来临床误诊病例80例,其中22例由尸检、17例由手术活检资料证实。结果:因贫血被误诊为血液、心血管、消化、呼吸道疾病和慢性肾功能衰竭,最后被诊断为慢性肾盂肾炎、囊肿性肾病、良性肾小动脉硬化症、骨髓瘤和淀粉样变性以及醋唑磺胺肾损害等肾小管间质疾病。结论:贫血对肾小管间质疾病的诊断有极大价值。
Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of anemia on tubulointerstitial diseases. Methods: To summarize 35 cases of clinical misdiagnosis in 80 cases, of which 22 cases were autopsy, 17 cases confirmed by surgical biopsy data. Results: Anemia was misdiagnosed as blood, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, and chronic renal failure, and finally diagnosed as chronic pyelonephritis, cystic nephropathy, benign renal arteriosclerosis, myeloma and amyloidosis, Sulphate and other tubulointerstitial diseases. Conclusion: Anemia is of great value in the diagnosis of tubulointerstitial diseases.