不管短跑运动员的身体条件如何,都应当围绕下面几个方面进行训练:反应时间;离开起跑器;有效的加速度;保持最高速度;减少降低速度。 按照100米跑10秒的成绩,可以分解为如下几个方面。(应当指出,可能的最长距离的有效加速度是受运动员离开起跑器时身体姿势的影响的。因此,可以认为离开起跑器对整个短跑的贡献占5%。离开起跑器产生赛跑的加速度)。
Regardless of the physical condition of the sprinter, training should focus on the following aspects: reaction time; leave the starting block; effective acceleration; maintain the maximum speed; reduce the rate of decrease. Follow the 100-meter run for 10 seconds, can be broken down into the following areas. (It should be noted that the effective acceleration of the longest possible distance is affected by the body position of the athlete when they leave the starting position.) Therefore, it can be assumed that the contribution from the starting position is 5% of the total number of sprints.