Stimulated Brillouin scattering evolution and suppression in an integrated stimulated thermal Raylei

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The spectral purity of fiber lasers has become a critical issue in both optical sensing and communication fields. As a result of ultra-narrow intrinsic linewidth, stimulated thermal Rayleigh scattering (STRS) has presented special potential to compress the linewidth of fiber lasers. To suppress stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), the most dominant disturbance for STRS in optical fibers, a semi-quantitative estimation has been established to illuminate the mechanism of suppressing SBS in a periodic tapered fiber, and it agrees with experimental results. Finally, a linewidth compression device based on STRS is integrated into a single-longitudinal-mode ring-cavity fiber laser with secondary cavities, and its linewidth is verified to be 200 Hz through a self-heterodyne detecting and Voigt fitting method.
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