由九三学社中央、中国科协主办,茅以升科技教育基金委员会承办的“中国桥梁文化论坛暨纪念茅以升先生诞辰110周年座谈会”于2006年元月8 日在北京人民大会堂举行。全国人大常委会副委员长、九三学社中央主席韩启德,中国科协主席周光召,全国政协原副主席、茅以升科技教育基金委员会主任钱正英和科技界、土木工程界专家学者及有关方面人士150余人出席。会议由中国科协副主席、书记处第一书记邓楠主持。与会代表从不同角度缅怀茅以升先生的光辉业绩。
Sponsored by the Central Committee of the Jiu San Society and the China Association for Science and Technology, the “China Bridge Culture Forum and the 110th Anniversary Meeting of the Hon Maoyisheng” hosted by Mao Yisheng Science and Education Fund Committee was held on January 8, 2006 in Beijing Great Hall of the People . Vice Chairman of NPC Standing Committee, Han Qide, Chairman of Jiu San Society, Zhou Guangzhao, Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, former Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Qian Zhixing, Director of Mao Yisheng Science and Technology Education Fund Committee, and more than 150 experts and scholars from related fields of science and technology, civil engineering attend. The meeting was presided over by Deng Nan, vice chairman of China Association for Science and Technology and first secretary of the secretariat. The delegates remembered the brilliant performance of Mr. Mao Yisheng from different angles.