美国直肠乙状结肠癌死亡率仅次于肺癌,据美国癌学会统计1975年发生90,000例,死亡49,000例。由于过去30年来外科疗效几乎无进展,因此美国 Oregon 省保健科学中心大学(UOHSC)自1960到1972年对97例直肠乙状结肠腺癌进行了高剂量术前放疗(5,000~6,000拉得),目的在于估价这种联合治疗的耐受性;生存率的变化;放疗后肿瘤扩展形式的改变以及经放疗后把不可切除病例转化为可切除的可能性。放疗部位局限于原发肿瘤,射野大小10×10厘米,常用对穿的前后野,病变低位者可用楔形后野及会阴野,每日一次,
The mortality of rectal sigmoid colon cancer in the United States is second only to lung cancer. According to the statistics of the American Cancer Society, 90,000 cases occurred in 1975, and 49,000 deaths occurred. Due to little progress in surgical outcomes over the past 30 years, the University of Oregon Health Science Center (UOHSC) in the United States has performed high-dose preoperative radiotherapy (5,000 to 6,000 rad) for 97 patients with rectosigmoid adenocarcinoma from 1960 to 1972. Evaluate the tolerability of this combination therapy; changes in survival rates; changes in the pattern of tumor expansion after radiotherapy and the possibility of converting unresectable cases into resectable after radiotherapy. Radiotherapy site is limited to the primary tumor, the size of the field is 10 × 10 cm, commonly used before and after the wear, low incidence of disease can be used after the wedge back field and perineal, once daily,