美国政府正在调查一家站点被攻击的事件,在这次攻击中巴基斯坦黑客组织张贴信息威胁说,如果美国不答应他们的条件将向本拉登领导的Al-Qaeda组织提供敏感信息。 美国海洋大气管理机构的Web服务器在10月17日瘫痪了几小时。有关人士指出互联网安全人员正在寻找攻击来源。 黑客组织留下的信息说:“尽管GForce Pakistan谴责针对美国的恐怖攻击事件,我们还是支持Al-Qaeda。我们手里掌握着高度机密的美国数据,如果你给我们和平,你就能得到和平。” 这些黑客还要求美国从沙特撤军,停
The U.S. government is investigating a site attacked in which Pakistani hacker groups posted a message threatening to provide Al-Qaeda’s organization Al-Qaeda with sensitive information if the United States does not agree to their terms. The U.S. Oceanic Atmosphere Administration’s web server was paralyzed for a few hours on October 17. The source pointed out that Internet security personnel are looking for sources of attack. The message left by the hacker organization said: “We support Al-Qaeda despite the fact that GForce Pakistan condemned the terrorist attacks on the United States.” We have highly classified U.S. data in hand and if you give us peace, you can get peace. The hackers also demanded that the United States withdraw troops from Saudi Arabia