在震惊中外的皖南事变中,我新四军广大指战员用生命和鲜血在中国革命的历史上写下了光辉灿烂的一页。新四军女战士,作为九千英雄儿女的一个组成部分,和热血男儿一道,用自己短暂的一生,谱写出了一曲曲巾帼壮歌…… 凤凰涅槃 枪炮声逐渐沉寂下来,穷凶极恶的敌人开始了大搜山。他们展开密集的扇面队形,不分日昼夜、逐山逐村地进行搜索,连一个小山洞、小山沟都不放过。在黄花尖附近的一片竹林里,隐蔽着三女一男,血迹斑斑的灰布军装早已破旧不堪,但左臂上那白底蓝色的臂章仍依稀可辨,这是在突围中被打散了的四位新四军战士,当中年龄最大的是位名叫邱洪霞的姑娘,
In the Southern Anhui incident that stunned China and other countries, the vast number of commanders and soldiers of the New Fourth Army wrote a brilliant page in the history of the Chinese revolution with life and blood. As part of the nine thousand heroic sons and daughters, the New Fourth Army female warriors, together with the passionate men, used their short lives to compose a song and a strong song ... The phoenixes of the Phoenix Nirvana gradually subsided and the most vicious enemy started Big mountain. They carried out intense fan-shaped formations, day and night, searching mountain by village, not even a small cave and a small valley. In a bamboo forest near the tip of the yellow flower, three men and a woman were hidden, and the blood-stained gray cloth uniforms had long worn out. However, the blue-white armband on the left arm was still vaguely discernible and was beaten up in the breakout Of the four New Fourth Army soldiers, the youngest one is named Qiu Hongxia girl,