据有关专家研究,人体内聚集着许多生物电能,只有把积聚在体内过多的正电荷排出体外,才能保证人体健康。排放掉这些正电荷的办法很简单,那就是赤足与地表接触。 人的脚底有涌泉等诸多穴位,组成若干个与人体头部、四肢及内脏相关联的反射区。对这些反射区进行徒手按摩,可防治头痛、牙痛、胃痛、失眠、高血压、胆石症等多种疾病。如果赤足站立或行走在鹅卵石路上,则比徒手或借助器具按摩效果更好。保健专家一
According to the experts’ study, there are many bioelectric energies accumulated in the human body. Only when the positive charge accumulated in the body is excreted, can human health be guaranteed. The way to discharge these positive charges is very simple, that is barefoot and the surface contact. The human foot has springs and many other acupuncture points, which make up a number of reflex zones associated with the human head, limbs and internal organs. These reflex zones for hand massage can prevent headaches, toothache, stomach pain, insomnia, high blood pressure, cholelithiasis and other diseases. If you stand barefoot or walk on a cobblestone road, massage is better than a bare hand or with an appliance. Health experts one