中国热带作物学会于一九七九年十二月十日至二十日在西双版纳召开了热带作物现代化学术讨论会。 参加会议的有广东、云南、广西、福建、四川等省(区)从事热带作物科研、教学、生产的科技人员和领导干部;邀请了中国科学院,农、林科学院和有关高等院校的专家、教授、科技工作者参加;国家农委付主任、中国农学会付理事长何康同志,国家农委委员朱则民同志出席了会
China Tropical Crops Society held a Symposium on Modernization of Tropical Crops in Xishuangbanna from December 10 to January 20, 1979. The scientific and technological personnel and leading cadres engaged in the scientific research, teaching and production of tropical crops in Guangdong, Yunnan, Guangxi, Fujian and Sichuan provinces (regions) attended the conference. Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the College of Agriculture and Forestry, and relevant institutions of higher learning, Professors and scientists; Comrade He Kang, director of the National Agricultural Commission, Comrade He Kang, chairman of China Agronomy Association, and Comrade Zhu Zemin, member of the State Committee of Agriculture attended the meeting