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  Asking clerks or at help desks
  (Hello.) Can / Could I have…please? (Falling intonation[降调])
  (Good morning.) Can / Could you give / get me…please?
  (Good evening.) A table for two, please.
  Interrupting people to ask them for something
  Excuse me…
  …Do you know if…?
  …Do you have…?
  …Do you accept…(credit cards)?
  …Is this the right way to…(the Post Office)?
  ...Could you tell me if…(there’s a Post Office near here)?
  In more formal situations
  Excuse me…
  …Would you mind…(keeping an eye on my luggage?)
  …I wonder if you could…(move your suitcase a little.)
  Responding to questions
  You ask for something, then the person you have asked needs more information. He or she asks you a question. If you haven’t expected this, you can “play for time”—say something to give you time to think. Say something like “Oh”, “Ah”, “Um”, or “Er” to give you a second or two to formulate an answer. Remember, complete silence makes the other person feel uneasy!
  You: Two tickets to London, please.
  Clerk: Single or return?
  You: Um, return please. We’re coming back tomorrow.
  Waiter: How would you like your steak?
  You: Oh, er, medium rare, please.
  When you ask someone for something, or you ask them to do something for you, it is essential to be as polite as possible. Here are some ways that you can be polite.
  Say hello
  A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.
   “Hello. (I’d like) a travel card, please.”
  In more formal situations, you can say “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or “Good evening”. (Remember, we only say “Good night” if we’re saying “Good bye” at the end of the day.)
  “Good evening. We’ve booked a table for four.”
  Remember “please” and “thank you”
  “Please” normally goes at the end of the sentence:
   “Two tickets please.”
   “Can you give me directions to Oxford Street, please.”
  Say “thank you” after you have received something:
  —Here’s your change.
  —Thank you.
  You can use “Yes, please” or “No, thank you” in response to a question:
  —Would you like salad with your pizza?
  —Yes, please. / No, thank you.
  Say “excuse me”
  If you ask someone who is doing something else, remember to say “excuse me”:
   “Excuse me, do you have this dress in a smaller size?” (In a shop)
   “Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bank is?” (On the street)
  Structure of an example conversation
  1. Clerk greets you:
  (Good morning.) How can I help you?
  What can I do for you?
  2. You ask for something:
  Hello. I’d like some information about…
  Can I have…?
  Three stamps for Europe, please.
  3. Clerk asks you a question:
  Single or return?
  Air-mail or surface mail?
  4. You answer:
  Oh, er, single thanks.
  Um, let me see. Air-mail please.
  5. Clerk asks you if you need anything else:
  Will that be all?
  (Is there) anything else?
  6. You answer:
  Ah, actually I’d also like…
  No, that’s it. Thanks. / Thank you.
不说不知道,原来关于“怕”,根据不同的程度,还有好多不同的表达呢。afraid of, worry, fear, frighten, scare……这形形色色的“怕”,你怕了吗?    我很抱歉,我恐怕参加不了你的婚礼了。  I’m afraid I can’t come to your wedding.    他真的挺怕黑的。  He is really afraid of the dark. 
“问”,无疑是所有沟通中最关键的一环。问得准、问得巧,既能获取有效的信息,也能激起对话者的兴趣,让对话沟通增色不少。但是实际上,“问”却是许多中国人学习英文的“老大难”。今天,我们的“锦囊”中又准备了不少妙句,让你轻轻松松“问”转校园。    不好意思,先生,您这是什么意思呢?  Excuse me, sir, what do you mean by that?    你是说我的数据是错的?  D
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各位读者朋友,大家好!很高兴能有这个机会,在这里跟大家分享我个人在英语学习上的一些感受和体会。学好口语是我们的共同目标之一。在这个过程中,我们或许会遇到相似或相同的困难。希望在我简单的叙述里,能有大家可以借鉴的地方。    和多数学生一样,在接受了六年的中学英语启蒙教育以后,我开始了大学时期的学习(非英语专业),参加并通过了大学英语四六级考试。2007年夏天,大学毕业后,我选择了出国学习,便参加了
各位读者,你有否曾因为一个封面、一句话而爱上一本书?又或者自诩是“书虫”、“书痴”?小编自愧离“书虫”还差得很远,但却曾因一句话爱上了一本书,而且也相信,看到这本书很多“书痴”会汗颜。  小编说的正是这本《查令十字街84号》。此书记录了上世纪中叶纽约女作家海莲和伦敦一家旧书店书商弗兰克之间的书缘。双方通信达20年之久,却未曾谋面,至弗兰克去世也无缘相见。之后,海莲把往来的信件汇集成册,以书店的地址