应用微电子技术改造老设备 提高企业技术装备素质

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我厂是我国机床行业最早的骨干企业之一,1986年批准为首批机电产品出口基地企业,1989年定为全国十个机电产品外向型管理试点企业之一,1990年评为国家一级企业并列入国家“八六三”计划中的计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)工程重点应用的工厂。 近几年来,我厂认真贯彻落实了国务院《设备管理条例》,坚持依靠技术进步,促进生产发展和预防为主的方针,大力开发应用微电子技术进行技术改造和新产品开发,连续三次获得了二、三、四届全国应用微电子技术改造设备的先进单位称号。由于我厂在经营管理和增加经济效益方面进步比较显著,已跃居全国机床行业先进企业的行列。 实践证明,应用微电子技术进行设备改造是投资少、见效快、效益高、增强企业生产能力、促进技术进步的重要途径。 早在1984年9月国家经委南京会议后,我厂只用20天时间,就利用单板机改造了第一台在用的C616车床,迈出了开发应用微电子技术的第一步。以后按照我厂“七五”规划,从1986到1990年5年间,应用数控、数显、P C机等共改造了各类设备259台,占全厂主要生产设备的12.9%。不仅有车床、镗床、铣床、专用机床,而且还有加热炉窑、热处理设备等。经过 Our factory is one of the earliest key enterprises in China’s machine tool industry. In 1986, it was approved as the first batch of mechanical and electrical product export base enterprises. In 1989, it was designated as one of the ten export-oriented management pilot enterprises for national electromechanical products. In 1990, it was named as a national first-class enterprise. And included in the national “863” plan of the computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) project focused on the application of the factory. In recent years, our factory has conscientiously implemented the “Regulations on Equipment Management” of the State Council, adhered to the principle of relying on technological advancement, promoting production development and prevention, and vigorously developed and applied microelectronics technology for technological transformation and new product development, and obtained three consecutive times. The second, third and fourth national advanced units that applied microelectronics technological transformation equipment. Due to the remarkable progress in the management and increase of economic benefits of our factory, we have already ranked in the ranks of advanced enterprises in the national machine tool industry. Practice has proved that the application of microelectronics technology to transform equipment is an important way to reduce investment, achieve quick results, and achieve high profits, enhance the company’s production capacity, and promote technological progress. As early as in September 1984, after the Nanjing Economic Cooperation Commission’s meeting in Nanjing, the plant used the single-board machine to transform the first C616 lathe that was in use. It took the first step in the development and application of microelectronics technology. Afterwards, in accordance with the “7th Five-Year Plan” of our factory, from 1986 to 1990, a total of 259 sets of various types of equipment were transformed using numerical control, digital display, and PC machines, which accounted for 12.9% of the main production equipment of the whole plant. Not only lathes, boring machines, milling machines, special machine tools, but also furnace heating, heat treatment equipment. after
就我国拖拉机行业用材、节材现状进行了调查和分析,并在此基础上提出了“八五”期间拖拉机行业材料技术工作的建议和设想。 The paper investigates and analyzes the statu
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》1991年10月2日报道】法国核安全局已批准凤凰原型快堆进行低功率试验。1990年9月,由法国原子能委员会和法国电力公司共同经营的原型快堆(230 MWe),