Protective effect of estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy on rat cardiovascular function

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangshucai123
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Objective To observe the change of the cardiova scular effect of estrogen replaceme nt therapy in rat after treated with p rogesterone.Method Thirty female rates were randomly di vided into three groups:group A:ova rietcomy;group B:ovariectomy with estrogen replacement therapy and group C:ovariectomy with estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy.The estrogen receptors(ER)in the artery of the rat were measured and the serum level of nitric oxide(NO),endothelin-1(ET-1),prostacyclin(PGF 1a )and thromboxane(TXB 2 )were detected 2months later.Results(1)There was no apparent difference in ER expression,serum NO and PGF 1a level between group C and group B;these index of group B and C were higher than those of group A;(2)there was no significant difference in blood viscosity,the congregate i ndex of red blood cell and platelet adhesiveness rate between group B and C;these index of group B and C were lower than those of group A.Conclusion Estrogen replacement therapy addin g progesterone makes no influence on arterial ER expression,hemorheolo gy index and regulation of estrogen t o cardiovascular cytokines generation.It suggested that estrogen combined with progesterone replacement t herapy could be a safe and effective method to prevent coronary heart dis ease.
1 病例摘要患者,男,65岁。患者主诉左脚拇趾溃烂半月余。于1998年10月来本院就诊,检查:左脚拇趾溃疡0.5cm×1cm,并有脓性分泌物,化验检查:白细胞计数偏高,其余均正常。治疗:局部优锁儿纱条外敷,隔天换药
目前,主动式巡行控制(ACC)系统已在一汽大众CC车上得到应用。ACC系统的应用既减轻了长时间驾驶的疲劳强度,提高了舒适性,又降低了车辆追尾的风险,保证行车安全。 At present
爱宝疗用于治疗宫颈糜烂和各类阴道类症 ,其疗效已得到广大妇产科医师的认可 ,另外 ,它还有止血、抗炎和促进创面愈合的作用。我们自 1996年 6月~ 1998年 6月试用爱宝疗原液治
腹腔镜现在已成为妇科的一场技术革命 ,我院自 2 0 0 0年 11月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月应用电视腹腔镜诊治多囊卵巢综合征 2 0例 ,取得了满意的效果 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1