1985年世界渔获量仅增长2%,1986年则猛增6.8%,总渔获量增加了5 829 800吨,达到91 456 800吨,打破了往年的记录。与1984年的增长率比较,相差无几,1984年增加了6 095 000吨,增长率为7.88%。根据1980年至1986年水产统计年鉴的数字,世界总渔获量增长了19 000 000吨,增长率为26.8%。如照这个趋势发展下去,到本世纪末,世界总渔获量将达到1亿吨。
In 1985, world catches increased only by 2%, while in 1986 it soared by 6.8%. Total catches increased by 5,829,800 tons to 91,456,800 tons, breaking the previous record. Compared with the 1984 growth rate, it was almost the same, increasing by 6 095 000 tons in 1984 with a growth rate of 7.88%. According to figures from the Fisheries Statistical Yearbook 1980-1986, the world’s total catch has increased by 19 000 000 tonnes with a growth rate of 26.8%. As this trend continues, by the end of this century, the total catch of the world will reach 100 million tons.