In modern times, human beings only knew how to obtain electric energy. However, in animals, naked buttocks, electric gongs, electric gongs, electric gongs, etc., were born with electricity. Naked buttocks The naked hepatic fish living in the African rivers are live “radars” and their discharge energy is very weak. Naked buttocks are slender, and because their tails have no caudal fins, they are bare and bare, and hence they are named. The electric organs of the nude buttocks are composed of 800 “electric plates”, which emit voltages of 3 to 7 volts. Naked buttocks have “radar” radio waves and “radar” echoes of “radar” echoes. This special electrosensory organ grows in the fish’s skin. It also has the ability to filter out high-frequency and low-frequency waves, and let only radio waves with certain frequencies pass through.