乔治·华盛顿(1732—1799年),生于弗吉尼亚一个种植园主家庭。他本人也是当地富翁之一。他在参加英法争夺北美殖民地的战争时,崭露头角,被英方任为弗吉尼亚民团司令。历时六载(1752—1758年)的军事生涯,使他熟悉了英军的战略战术特点。这对日后的反英战争大有裨益。 1758年,华盛顿当选为议员。次年,他同一个富有的寡妇玛沙卡丝结婚,他的地产随之增加到九千英亩。当华盛顿专心致志地经营种植园时,英国政府强加给殖民地的种种限制,使弗吉尼亚的种植园主面临破产的厄运。同时,英国强加给殖民地人民的重税和高压法令有增无己。1763年,英国政府禁止向阿巴拉契亚山以西殖民的禁令,使华盛顿和
George Washington (1732-1799), was born in Virginia as a plantation homeowner. He is also one of the top millionaires in the world. He came to prominence when he joined the war between North and South America on the Anglo-French battle, and was appointed by the British as the commander of the Virginia Militia. The six-year military career (1752-1758) made him familiar with the strategic and tactical characteristics of the British army. This will be of great benefit to the anti-British war in the future. In 1758, Washington was elected as a member of parliament. The following year, he married Masakas, a wealthy widow, and his estate increased to nine thousand acres. As Washington devoted itself to plantations, restrictions imposed by the British government on the colonies put Virginia planters in bankruptcy. At the same time, Britain imposed heavy taxes and high-pressure decrees on colonial peoples. In 1763, the British government banned the ban on colonies west of the Appalachians and brought Washington and