很可能,在一些人眼中,搞资产阶级自由化是政治问题、立场问题,而腐败就只是经济问题、生活作风问题了.否则,为什么1989年政治风波后,对资产阶级自由化的批判、声讨那么集中有力,那么有声势,而对“使一部分群众对党和政府丧失了信心”的腐败现象却“往往下不了手”呢? 笔者决不是认为批判资产阶级自由化批错了,过火了.反对资产阶级自由化是不能动摇的.这是一个长期的斗争,二十年,五十年,七十年……,在整个改革开放的过程中,都存在一个反对资产阶级自由化的问题. 但是,决不能把反对资产阶级自由化同惩治腐败对立起来.“动乱中有哪么多人被阴谋分子煽动起来,一个重要原因,是一
It is quite possible that, in the eyes of some people, engaging in bourgeois liberalization is a political issue and a position issue, and corruption is only a matter of economic issues and lifestyle issues. Otherwise, why the critique of bourgeois liberalization was denounced after the political turmoil in 1989 So concentrated and powerful, then there is a momentum and a corruption phenomenon ”that some of the people lose confidence in the party and the government“ is ”often out of reach“. The author is by no means thinking that criticizing the bourgeoisie’s freedom is wrongly criticized It is a long-term struggle, 20 years, 50 years, 70 years ... In the process of reform and opening up, there is a struggle against bourgeois liberty However, anti-bourgeois liberalization must not be opposed to punishing corruption. ”One of the important reasons why so many people in the turmoil were incited by conspirators was that one