定西市安定区位于甘肃中部,是典型的半干旱雨养农业区,干旱少雨,光照充足,蒸发量大,年降雨量 350-420毫米,且集中在秋季,有效利用率很低,冬春降雨稀少,经常出现严重旱灾,造成小麦等夏粮作物不能适时播种、失种或毁种,导致大面积减产。为解决这一实际问题,今年我们在(?)口农业科技示范场和(?) 口镇赵家铺村,推广了全地膜覆盖沟穴播抗旱栽培技术,取得了显著效果。
Dingxi Anding District is located in the central part of Gansu. It is a typical semi-arid rainfed farming area. It is arid, rainy and sunshine with large amount of evaporation. The annual rainfall is 350-420 mm and concentrated in the autumn. The effective utilization rate is very low. Rare and frequent severe drought, resulting in timely sowing of wheat and other summer crops, loss or destruction of species, resulting in large-scale production. In order to solve this practical problem, this year we have promoted the cultivation technology of hole-sowing and film-mulching cultivation in the whole area at the Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Field (?) And Zhaojiapu Village ()) Kouzhen, and achieved remarkable results.