我县1958年的玉米生产,由原来的低产单位一跃而为高产单位。全县玉米田共20万亩,平均单产1,274斤,比57年的单产195斤增加1,079斤,提高653%。越过黄河、跨过长江,加上杂粮、小麦等按人口计算,每人有粮食平均达到2,234斤。 巴楚位於塔里木边沿,属於叶尔羌河最下游。过去向来被称为“水、旱、碱”三灾皆备之地。4月底至7月初为枯水期,在此期间人畜饮水多以并水为主,但在夏秋之际洪水下来後,又
The corn production in 1958 in our county jumped from a low-yielding unit to a high-yielding unit. The county a total of 20 acres of corn fields, with an average yield of 1,274 catties, more than 57 years yield of 195 pounds to increase 1,079 pounds, an increase of 653%. Across the Yellow River, across the Yangtze River, together with miscellaneous grains, wheat and other population-based calculations, each person has an average of 2,234 pounds of food. Bachu is located in the Tarim edge, belonging to the Yarkand River the most downstream. The past has always been called “water, drought, alkali,” the three disaster prepared. From the end of April to the beginning of July, it is a dry season. During this period, drinking water for both animals and domestic animals is mostly water-based. However, after the flood in summer and autumn,