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所谓主旋律电影作品,是指“一切有利于贯彻党的以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放的基本路线,有利于激发人们奋发图强、开拓创新、克服困难、积极进取的优秀作品”,而一切反映真、善、美的影片都属于主旋律影片。主旋律电影最常见的两类题材是革命历史题材和体现 The so-called theme film works refer to all the good works that are conducive to implementing the party’s principle of taking economic construction as the central task, adhering to the four cardinal principles and upholding the principle of reform and opening up, and inspiring people to make every endeavor, pioneering and innovative, overcome difficulties and make progress. ", And all reflect the true, good and beautiful films belong to the main theme of the film. The two most common themes of the main theme of the film are revolutionary themes and manifestations of history
考纲要求学生具有能用正确的化学用语及文字、图表、模型、图形等表达化学问题解决的过程和结果,并作出解释的能力.  图表类综合题的解法是:  (1)看图象:一看轴,即纵、横坐标的意义:二看点,即起点、拐点、交点、终点;三看线,即线的走向和变化趋势;四看辅助线,即等温线、等压线、平衡线等:五看量的变化,如浓度变化、温度变化、转化率变化、物质的量的变化等.  (2)依据图象信息,利用平衡移动原理或化学反应