各位理事、各位代表:我受中国新闻技联第三届常务理事会的委托,作2004年度的工作报告,请予审议。一、 一年来的主要工作一年来,在政府有关部门的指导下,在有关公司厂商的支持下,我们遵照“以会员为本,竭诚为会员单位和会员服务、为推进新闻信息化建设服务”的宗旨和“逐步向行
Dear Councilors and Deputies, I am entrusted by the third executive council of China National Telecommunication Federation for the 2004 annual work report for consideration. First, the main work over the past year One year, under the guidance of the relevant government departments, with the support of the companies involved, we follow the “membership-based and dedication to member units and members, to promote the construction of information technology services” The purpose and "step by step