
来源 :当代贵州 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phoebe_1012
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贵州是红军长征途中历时最长、活动范围最广、发生重大事件最多的省份。中国共产党和红军在贵州实现了伟大的转折,红军在贵州的活动沉重打击了敌人,传播了革命真理,播撒下革命火种。苟坝会议:1935年3月10日,张闻天在遵义苟坝主持召开政治局会议,会议成立周恩来、毛泽东、王稼祥三人团,完成了遵义会议改变中央最高军事领导机构的任务,进一步确立了毛泽东在党中央和红军中的核心领导地位,遵义会议决议得到了实际落实。 Guizhou is the longest journey on the way of the Long March of the Red Army, with the widest range of activities and the largest number of major incidents. The Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army realized a great turning point in Guizhou. The Red Army’s activities in Guizhou have dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, spread the revolutionary truth and sowed the revolutionary fire. Gouba meeting: On March 10, 1935, Zhang Wentian presided over a meeting of the Politburo under Zouyi Gouba. The meeting established Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong and Wang Jiaxiang the trio of regiments and completed the task of Zunyi Meeting in changing the highest military leadership in the Central Government and further established Mao Zedong’s core leadership in the party Central Committee and the Red Army, Zunyi Meeting resolution has been the actual implementation.
目的探讨实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis,EAE)大鼠血清S-100B蛋白浓度的动态变化及其在中枢神经脱髓鞘疾病中的临床意义。方法将Wistar