
来源 :现代交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taozijian
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6月下旬以来,安徽发生全省性降雨,江河湖库水位全面上涨,尤其是淮河流域连降大雨、暴雨,汛情来势迅猛。全省公安交通管理部门根据省公安厅和交警总队的部署,立即行动起来,启动预案,加大警力投入,加强路面巡控,排查道路险情,努力维护汛期交通安全畅通。尤其是沿淮的六安、淮南、蚌埠、阜阳、滁州、宿州、亳州等地交警,视群众安危为己任,视汛情灾情如命令,全警动员,全力以赴,勇挑重担,迅速投入防汛抗洪斗争。广大交警舍小家顾大家,夜以继日坚守一线,奋不顾身参与抢险,全力帮助群众转移,精心实施交通警卫,严密监控道路险段,及时疏导交通阻塞,冲锋在前开道引路,甚至不惜以躯体作路标,在洪水中筑起一条条“绿色通道”,为防汛抗洪抢险提供了坚强的交通运输、安全保障,有力地维护了国家和广大人民群众的生命财产安全。 Since the second half of June, there has been a provincewide rainfall in Anhui Province. The water level of rivers, lakes and reservoirs has risen across the board. In particular, the heavy rainfall and torrential rains continued in the Huaihe River Basin, causing rapid floods. The province’s public security and traffic control departments immediately took action to mobilize the provincial public security department and the traffic police corps to start the plan and increase police input to step up patrolling and patrolling the road to find out the dangers in the road and strive to maintain traffic safety during the flood season. Especially the traffic police along the Huai’an Lu’an, Huainan, Bengbu, Fuyang, Chuzhou, Suzhou, Bozhou and other places, depending on the safety of the people as their own responsibility, depending on floods such as command, all police mobilized, go all out, brave the burden, quickly put flood control Flood fighting. The majority of traffic police house care home, night and day to stick to the front line, unrelenting to participate in rescue efforts to help the masses shift, carefully implement the traffic guard, closely monitor the risk of the road, and timely dredge the traffic jam, charge in the forefront of the road, even at the body as a signpost, In the floods to build a “green channel” for flood control and rescue provided a strong transportation, safety and security, effectively safeguarding the country and the broad masses of people’s lives and property safety.
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贯彻落实科学发展观是适应世情国情党情变化的需要,要深刻把握科学发展观的内涵,不断加强学习、提高能力、转变作风、建立体现科学发展观的考核机制。 To implement the Sci
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