Semi-crosslinked polyacrylamides as high-resolution and dynamic self-coating sieving matrices for pr

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ontrackfor19888
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This paper describes non-gel capillary sieving electrophoresis employing semi-crosslinked polyacrylamide as a high performance and low viscous replaceable separation matrix for separation of non-denatured protein separation. Arising from the fine sieving and dynamic coating ability of this polymer, a mixture of basic proteins lysozyme, cytochrome C, ribonuclease A, and trypsin was resolved with excellent reproducibility. Mixing different semi-crosslinked polyacrylamides together further improves the separation. The separtion mechanism was analyzed. With network structure developed to an intermediate state between crosslinked gel and linear polymer solutions, these semi-crosslinked polyacrylamide polymers demonstrate a promise as a new class of size sieving separation medium, not only in capillary electrophoresis, but also in microfluidic chip separation schemes. This paper describes non-gel capillary sieving electrophoresis employing semi-crosslinked polyacrylamide as a high performance and low viscous replaceable separation matrix for separation of non-denatured protein separation. Arising from the fine sieving and dynamic coating ability of this polymer, a mixture of basic Proteins lysozyme, cytochrome C, ribonuclease A, and trypsin was resolved with excellent reproducibility. Mixing different semi-crosslinked polyacrylamides together further improves the separation. The separtion mechanism was analyzed. With network structure developed to an intermediate state between crosslinked gel and linear polymer solutions , these semi-crosslinked polyacrylamide polymers demonstrate a promise as a new class of size sieving separation medium, not only in capillary electrophoresis, but also in microfluidic chip separation schemes.
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