今年4月7日,长虹集团突然宣布全面降低彩电价格,降价范围涉及长虹所有规格的产品,单机最高降幅达1000无。紧接着,康佳、TCL 全面跟进。一时间,彩电市场狼烟四起。有关降价竞争的话题再次被争论得沸沸扬扬,对于降价竞争现象,有关方面是仁者见仁,智者见智,各执一词,笔者就此提出自己的几点看法。一、降价竞争作为经营者的价格策略,是经营者价格权利的具体运用,不应简单地斥之为低价倾销而加以干预
April 7 this year, Changhong Group suddenly announced a comprehensive reduction in color TV prices, price cuts involving all specifications of Changhong products, the highest single-machine drop of 1,000. Then, Konka, TCL fully follow up. For a time, TV market everywhere. The topic of price-cutting competition has once again been heated in controversy. As for the phenomenon of price-cutting competition, the relevant parties are the benevolent, the wise, the wise and the disagreeable. I hereby put forward my own views. First, the price competition as the operator’s price strategy is the specific use of the operator’s price right, should not simply be dismissed as low-cost dumping and intervene