An expansive market along the Amazon River

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  Brazil is a democratic country with a wide macroeconomic and institutional stability. With an area of 8.5 million square kilometers and a population of over 190 million inhabitants, Brazil has the world’s eighth largest consumer market, besides representing a gateway to MERCOSUR, Brazil enjoys a free and export-oriented economy. The tropical rain forest climate and abundant natural resources and an integrated demographic structure both contribute to huge market capacity in the country.
  Brazil accounts for half of the economy of South America; has the most diversified industrial base in Latin America and the Caribbean; is the world’s foremost producer of regional jets and fourth largest producer of commercial airliners; the world’s largest producer of coffee and oranges; is, alongside I n d i a , a m a j o r p ro d u ce r o f sugarcane; has the largest forestry products industry in Latin America.
  B r a z i l p o s s e s s e s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e e c o n o m i c framework. It is the world’s fifth largest market for mobile phones and personal computers; is the world’s largest exporter of beef and of chicken, and the fourth largest exporter of pork; is the world’s second largest exporter of soy products (beans, meal and oil); is the world’s largest exporter of sugar, and orange juice; is the world’s fifth largest market, and sixth largest producer of motor vehicles; is the world’s largest exporter and second largest producer of ethanol. It stands in fifth place on the ranking of the world’s largest economies, since December 2009, according to the World Bank.
  China is now the premier trade partner of Brazil, and Brazil China’s ninth biggest trade partner in return. In 2013, the total bilateral trade volume exceeds 80 billion US dollars, which was an increase of approximately 10% over the previous year.
  The two countries have been weaving trade ties since long ago. In 1974, the two nations established diplomatic relations, and in 2012, established a strategic trade partner relationship. In July 2014, Chinese president Xi Jinpin paid a state visit to Brazil and signed over 50 contracts, including that Brazil will sell 60 commercial airplanes to China. Brazil has just successfully hosted the 2014 World Cup, and will host the 2016 Olympic Games, which will further stimulate the demand for infrastructure construction.
To most businesses, participating in international exhibitions serves as a good way of image boosting and learning. On one hand, exhibitors can meet established and potential clients at exhibitions; o
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Currently, with the increasing size of exhibition companies and fierce competition, there occur more and more problems in the daily operation of outbound exhibition companies, and the risk is high for
由博闻展览咨询有限公司(UBM Live)主办的全球制药原料领域首屈一指的展会——CPhI世界制药原料展上届展会于2013年11月在德国法兰克福闭幕。这是展会历史上尤为成功的一届。据估计,约有34,000名专业观众参观本次盛会,参展商约为2,000名。展会主要针对来自140多个国家的高层决策者和知名企业,参展范围覆盖从原料采掘到终端配药的整条制药产业链。  展、会结合,行业盛事  展会同期举办多个
In November 2013, CPhI Worldwide, organised by UBM Live, celebrated the closing of its most successful show to date with pre-audit figures estimating more than 34,000 attendees and 2,200 exhibitors. H
巴西是南美洲面积最大的国家,国土面积850万平方米,仅次于俄罗斯、加拿大、中国和美国,为世界第五大国,与阿根廷、玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉等十国交界。其经济类型属于自由市场经济与出口导向型。热带雨林气候赋予的丰富的自然资源、历史原因造成的多元的人口结构和经济体系,使得巴西在各个行业领域都有着巨大的潜力。  巴西市场结构十分多元。根据巴西境外关系处的最新统计,巴西是世界上第五大手机与个人电