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面对“一大”这样重大的历史事件,宏大叙事势必压倒琐屑的私人叙事,就具体的回忆而言,一种态度是努力弥合距离,另一种态度是尽力拉开距离。就前者而言,又有两种不同的姿态,一种是回忆者倾力转向过去,力图站在过去的时空中叙说,另一种则是回忆者岿然不动,只是把眼光投向过去,从而也就似乎在把过去的事物拉向回忆的当下。意识形态在文本中无所不在,与此同时,每每有某些字词逃脱出意识形态的掌控;审慎的态度和细节的关注不一定能冲破意识形态的迷障,但也至少能够提示星星点点的亮光。作为一种有计划、有组织的回忆行为,每篇文章的出场顺序不是偶然的,应是体现了邀约回忆的先后顺序,此一顺序展现了历史场景中的中心和边缘。《“一大”前后》在客观上具有祛魅的功能,为对历史的新的想象和期待开启了道路。 In the face of such a major historical event as “one big one,” grand narratives are bound to overwhelm trivial private narratives. For specific memories, one attitude is to strive to bridge the distance and the other is to try to distance themselves. In the former case, there are two different gestures. One is that the memory of a memoryist turns to the past, trying to stand in the narration of the past time and space, and the other is that the memory of a memoryist stays in his place and only turns his gaze toward the past It seems that in the past to pull the memories of the moment. Ideology is ubiquitous in the text, and at the same time, there are words that often escape the control of ideology; cautious attention to detail and attention to detail do not necessarily break ideological distortions, but they are also at least a hint of the brightness of the stars . As a planned and organized reminiscence, the order of appearance of each article is not accidental, but rather should reflect the order in which the solicitation is recalled. This sequence shows the center and the periphery of the historical scene. The “big” “before and after” objectively has the function of disenchantment, opening the way for new imagination and expectation of history.
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