美国作家埃路易斯·恩格尔和芬兰作家劳里·帕纳宁合著的《冬季战争》一书中,有这样一段记述:苏军在荒野上长途行军之后,又饿又累,当他们缴获到芬军的野战厨房,并发现炉子上正煮着热腾腾的香肠汤时,只顾吃了起来,忘了打仗。就这样,许多人嘴里含着香肠就被击毙了。芬兰人得意地把这种古怪的作战叫做“香肠战”。苏军士兵为什么会吃“香肠战”的亏呢? 第一是严寒的威胁。当温度下降到零下40℃以下时,坦克、卡车如不一至二小时发动一次,就不能再使用。部队要想生存和战斗,就需要有营养丰富的食物,光靠硬面包和不放糖的水是不行的。极度严寒,血浆失去了作用。寒冷虽然可以帮助伤员止血,但也
In the book The Winter War, co-authored by American writer Eileen Engel and the Finnish writer Laurie Panarin, the Soviet army was hungry and tired after long marches in the wilderness. When they seized Fen Army field kitchen, and found that the stove is cooking hot sausage soup, just eat, forget the war. In this way, many people have been killed with sausages in their mouths. Finns proudly call this weird combat “sausage war.” Why did Soviet soldiers eat “sausage war” loss? The first is the threat of cold. When the temperature drops to below minus 40 ℃, tanks and trucks can not be used again if they are not started within one to two hours. For the troops to survive and fight, they need nutritious food, which can not be achieved by hard bread and sugar. Extreme cold, the plasma lost its effect. Although cold can help the wounded hemostasis, but also