Neuroprotective mechanisms and translational potential of therapeutic hypothermia in the treatment o

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ythsl761208
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Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death,yet effective treatments for acute stroke has been very limited.Thus far,tissue plasminogen activator has been the only FDA-approved drug for thrombolytic treatment of ischemic stroke patients,yet its application is only applicable to less than 4–5% of stroke patients due to the narrow therapeutic window(< 4.5 hours after the onset of stroke) and the high risk of hemorrhagic transformation.Emerging evidence from basic and clinical studies has shown that therapeutic hypothermia,also known as targeted temperature management,can be a promising therapy for patients with different types of stroke.Moreover,the success in animal models using pharmacologically induced hypothermia(PIH) has gained increasing momentum for clinical translation of hypothermic therapy.This review provides an updated overview of the mechanisms and protective effects of therapeutic hypothermia,as well as the recent development and findings behind PIH treatment.It is expected that a safe and effective hypothermic therapy has a high translational potential for clinical treatment of patients with stroke and other CNS injuries. Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death, yet effective treatments for acute stroke has been very limited. Thus far, tissue plasminogen activator has been the only FDA-approved drug for thrombolytic treatment of ischemic stroke patients, yet its application is only applicable to less than 4-5% of stroke patients due to the narrow therapeutic window (<4.5 hours after the onset of stroke) and the high risk of hemorrhagic transformation. Evidence of proof from basic and clinical studies has shown that therapeutic hypothermia, also known as targeted temperature management, can be promising drugs for patients with different types of stroke. Moreover, the success in animal models using pharmacologically induced hypothermia (PIH) has gained increasing momentum for clinical translation of hypothermic therapy. This review provides an updated overview of the mechanisms and protective effects of therapeutic hypothermia, as well as the recent development and findings behind PIH treatment. It is is expected that a safe and effective hypothermic therapy has a high translational potential for clinical treatment of patients with stroke and other CNS injuries.
ISO文件目录(1993年Ⅰ)──国际标准(ISO)ISO/TC31轮胎轮辋和气门咀ISO4251-1:1992拖拉机及农业机械用轮胎和轮辋(层级标志系列)──第1部分轮胎规格代号及尺寸ISO4251-2:1992拖拉机及农业和机械用轮胎和轮辋(层级... ISO catalog (
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目的:探讨在西医治疗的基础上,联合针灸、白虎承气汤加减治疗基底节区脑出血(出血量在30 m L以下)的疗效及安全性。方法:选择2013年1月至2015年12月阳江市中医医院基底节区脑
国家技术监督局于1993年11月10日批准发布了GB/T1.1-1993《标准化工作导则 第1单元:标准的起草与表述规则 第1部分:标准编写的基本规定》,从1995年1月1日起开始实施,这是GB1.
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